[Choir] Karaoke

Natalie Arndt narndt at stevens.edu
Wed Feb 13 15:14:19 EST 2008

Hey guys!

So we voted on a date for the karaoke trip, which will be on Saturday, 
March 1st. We would meet at the Howe center at 7:00 pm, and leave from 
there as a group. From there it's just a PATH ride away.

I will have a sign-up sheet at choir tomorrow for anyone who wants to 
go. If you can't make it to choir tomorrow, please email me if you'd 
like to attend. I absolutely need a head count, since I have to decide 
on which size room to reserve. I'll be making the reservation over the 
weekend, so be sure to get your name in as soon as possible! 

I'll let you know about pricing, etc. once I get a final head count and 
make the reservation.

See you tomorrow!


PS - Feel free to bring a friend! Just let me know ahead of time! 

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