[Choir] ALL CALLS for Choir tech, concert tomorrow

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Fri Nov 18 17:34:16 EST 2011

Dear Choir, Stutes, Soloists/Duettists, and Readers,

Here are the calls for tomorrow.

For simplicity's sake:
If you are ONLY in the full Choir, your calls are at 3:15 for tech (if 
you have not yet picked up your music, DO SO!), and 7:00 for the 

"Call time" means "onstage and ready to go." It does not mean "just now 
dashing into the building" or "just a sec - have to take off my coat." 
Get to DeBaun EARLIER THAN CALL, and be quiet - others will be 
rehearsing. Thank you.

If you are doing anything else at all in this concert:

2:00: STUTES BARITONES - Howie, Aaron, David (Stephanie not needed)
2:20: David & Veena, "Tonight" (Stephanie - you're on! Please note 
2:20, not 2:30 - so please arrive by 2:15)
2:35: Alicia, "Meadowlark"
2:45: Michael & Declan, "Agony"
2:55-3:10: all readers - Diana, Stefanie, Jackson


We will go over notes for each piece, start each piece (some we will 
sing through, lightly) and go through all the logistics of getting 
on/off risers, etc. Please focus and do not chat, so we are able to work 
efficiently, get done sooner, and save all possible energy for the 
evening's performance.

We may go as late as 5:00. My goal is to let you out sooner, ideally 
closer to 4:30. Reaching that goal will only be possible if everyone is 
on time and on their toes.

STUTES: we work as soon as the Choir is dismissed. Midis!!

EVENING CALL TIME: 7:00, fully dressed, music in hand, onstage and 
ready to go.

House opens: 7:30
Curtain: 8:00

Looking forward!


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