[Choir] Rocky Horror Project

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Tue Oct 18 09:28:16 EDT 2011

Dear All,

This applies to you if you are involved as a participant in the "Rocky 
Horror" shadowcast. If you aren't involved, you can delete (though I 
encourage everyone to attend the event after Choir on Thursday - it's a 
lot of fun).

Re "Rocky:" first, I apologize for blowing a bit of a gasket last 
night. Every time people in the ensemble leave "just this once," for 
whatever reason, it does in fact affect the rest of the group. Things 
rehearsed need to be done over again, and so on, and so on. Given that 
there are always very vital reasons people really MUST miss - ongoing 
course conflicts, bad illness, genuine family emergencies, 
non-negotiable job search opportunities etc., members leaving for other, 
optional extracurricular activities is where I draw the line. We work 
with DS to make dual participation possible, but the drama-related 
projects not directly under DS per se need Choir members to be 
especially up front re their prior commitments.

HOWEVER. David Geiss calmly and rationally explained the 
particularities of this project to me after Choir last night (such as 
its oddly early start time of 9 pm - unusual for a "Rocky" showing), 
which I greatly appreciate. Given that circumstance, an 8:30 leave time 
this Thursday is a good compromise.

At 8:30, if you are a participant in "Rocky," you may quietly leave the 
Choir rehearsal. If you have a lot of make-up etc., I suggest you do 
whatever you can in advance and just come to Choir that way. It 
certainly wouldn't be the first time! And, it would be a good 
advertisement to entice other singers to come to your event.


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