[Choir] Haven't been to Choir yet? Please respond -

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Tue Sep 6 01:48:58 EDT 2011

Dear All,

This is for those Choir members who were not at last week's first & so 
far only rehearsal.

In short:

I need to know if you are continuing. Some of you will be Monday-only 
people, and our Mondays have been torpedoed two weeks in a row. Perhaps 
some of you are bowing out this semester.

I need to know who will be re-claiming their folders (they're needed by 
new people if you're not using them), and who is going to be on deck for 
our important Oct. 14 performance at President Farvardin's inauguration.

SO - if I haven't seen you yet, and won't see you this Thursday either, 
please let me know if you're in or out!

Thank you.


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