[Choir] Perf Arts & DS/Off-Center auditions

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Fri Aug 24 12:32:35 EDT 2012

Dear Choir,

This is for those of you who are interested in auditioning for the 
One-Act Festival and/or the Drama Society Fall Production and/or 
Off-Center (and/or Rocky Horror, assuming that project goes forward this 
year as it has for the past several).

Please be sure you note Choir rehearsal times AS CONFLICTS on your 
audition sheets. Since Choir is out at 9:00 and drama-related rehearsals 
can rarely start before then (too many course conflicts), there is 
little reason for a problem, but stage directors do need to know ALL 
your conflicts in order to plan efficiently, and you yourself need to 
see clearly what your commitments are so you can honorably fulfill them. 
Thank you.

As always, during the final tech/dress week for the big DS semester 
production, Choir members involved as cast or tech crew are excused from 
Choir. Please note that that exemption applies only to the big 

These policies are in place to best ensure a cooperative and mutually 
supportive working relationship between different aspects of performing 
arts on campus. Please honor them. Thank you.


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