[Choir] Reminder - bring back nice clothes!

David Zimmerman David.Zimmerman at stevens.edu
Fri Aug 31 16:45:31 EDT 2012

Hi Everyone,


I just wanted to send a quick note out about Convocation. For those who
don't know me, I'm the Executive Director of DeBaun Center for Performing
Arts.or, in short, Bethany's boss J


It is an honor to be invited to perform at Convocation, an honor that the
Choir has received for a number of years now. This is the official opening
to the school year, and there is a lot of pomp and circumstance involved,
just like at Graduation. As Bethany explained at Choir rehearsals, we need
to look our best at this event.


If you are going home this weekend, please bring back appropriate clothes to
wear. If you aren't going home, and if you don't have something appropriate,
please find or borrow appropriate clothes to wear. Questions about what is
appropriate - you can email me directly at dzimmerm at stevens.edu or Bethany
at breeves at stevens.edu


Thank you, and I hope you have a great weekend!




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