[Choir] Kudos, everyone!

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Sun Dec 2 22:09:36 EST 2012

Dear Choir,

Thank you for a very fine concert today! You did a terrific job, and 
received a lot of enthusiastic reviews both from audience members who 
are well acquainted with MESSIAH, and who are not.


And, thank you for the flowers! :-)

No choir this week. The holiday caroling might happen after all, but in 
order for that to occur, I'd need to know for SURE that a fair number of 
people would go. Possible evenings are Thursday and Friday. Please DO 
email me back with "Yes! I want to go caroling!" if you'd like to do 
that, and which evening(s) you could make.

Caroling also depends on an element outside our control; I'm waiting to 
hear about that.

Again, great job today!


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