[Choir] And we're back!

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Sun Nov 4 08:39:38 EST 2012

Dear All,

Tomorrow, we are BACK! And we have lost a full week.

Please be on time, pencils in hand, brains primed and ready to remember 
things already put into place in prior rehearsals. If we do all that, 
the lost time will cost us much, much less, and we will really have a 
reason to sing Hallelujah!

I'd like to give a a shout-out here to the section leaders and 
choristers who wrote to me with willingness to try to figure out how to 
hold sectionals under the circumstances decreed by Sandy. We ran into 
too many logistical problems to succeed (the real kicker was not being 
able to get into the Music Room for scores, even with swipe access, 
since that depends on power), but the effort is nonetheless appreciated.

DRAMA SOCIETY PEOPLE - please let me know if you are cast or actual run 
crew for the show (crew that is actually necessary for the show to run - 
not "I painted a flat"). The usual Choir/DS bargain applies - during 
production week for the big show, you are excused from Choir with my 
blessing. If you are Liz, Colin, Michael P, Katie, Rachel, Natalie or 
Beth, I know you're in the show. Everyone else I need to hear from  - as 
do your section leaders. Thank you and break legs! My plan is to be 
there Friday to cheer you on.

Very much looking forward to seeing you,


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