[Choir] HEM schedule update; backorders are in!

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon Nov 26 15:50:43 EST 2012

Dear First-Time-Outfit Singers,

Backordered dresses are now IN. You may certainly leave yours in the 
Music Room and retrieve it tomorrow when you come to get a hem 
measurement if you desire.

UPDATED SCHEDULE, Tuesday 11/27, for Cindy Boyle to measure your 
pants/dress for hemming:

11-12: Zack K, Ben, T.J., Brenna

12-1: Mike M, David E-S., Brian, Beth

1-2: Natalie, Deanna Tyd, Kathy, DeAnna H., Devin (full)

2-3: Andy (your tux is still in my office -), Trevor, Stanley

3-4: Danielle G.

Please note that SPECIFIC times within your hour are not assigned, and 
DO NOT show up in the last 15 minutes. If one person does that, it's 
perfectly possible for everyone to do it, and then the schedule will be 
a mess. Arrive at the TOP of your hour, preferably dressed and ready 


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