[Choir] Take care - and review MESSIAH!

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 31 11:43:47 EDT 2012

Dear Choir,

I hope you are all hunkered down and safe - and perhaps even getting a 
bit of rest you might not otherwise have had.

I just received the campus-wide email advising that classes are 
canceled through the week. That includes Choir (and all voice lessons & 
scheduled coachings).

However, this does not change the fact that our concert is going to 
happen as scheduled, and prep time is growing short (remember, 
Thanksgiving is on the way AND we lose people over next week due to the 
big fall Drama Society production).

To the extent that you can with your power/internet situations, please 
take some time to review your music. YouTube is full of full 
performances of the various choruses, and the midis for part files 
(separately and played together) are at:


I'm grounded in upstate Manhattan pretty much until the A Train 
returns. For the jazz-oriented among you, no one's taking the A Train 
ANYWHERE at present. Argh.

Take care!


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