[Choir] IF YOU'RE ILL - Notify these people:

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Sun Sep 30 22:45:20 EDT 2012

Dear Choir,

If you are too ill to sit on the "sickie" side of the room at rehearsal 
or have a bonafide emergency preventing you from Choir attendance, 
please notify your section leaders and cc me:

SOPRANOS: Melissa Lugo, mlugo at stevens.edu

ALTOS: Danielle Holden, dholden at stevens.edu

TENORS (AND SWINGS SINGING TENOR): Michael Abramo, mabramo at stevens.edu

BARI/BASSES (AND SWINGS SINGING BARI): For Mondays: Michael Paulauski, 
mpaulaus at stevens.edu; for Thursdays, Colin Gliech, cgliech at stevens.edu

The semester is now in full swing, and everyone is busy and getting 
tired. Please manage your time so that you can honor your commitment to 
the ensemble. This is important for everyone, and doubly so for those 
whose class schedule only permits attendance at one rehearsal per week.

Thank you.


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