[Choir] Homecoming, Sat 10/5 - Schedule et al

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Tue Oct 1 00:52:08 EDT 2013

Dear Choir!

This coming Saturday is Homecoming/Freshman Parents' Weekend, and our 
first performance of the year.

ATTIRE: neat black or very dark slacks/skirt & shoes (no mini skirts 
please), with our new Stevens Choir polo shirt.

SHIRTS: Please HANG THESE UP. Better, hang them up in the bathroom at 
shower time as a low-tech method of steaming out wrinkles, and THEN hang 
them up in a closet.

POLO SHIRTS are now here - Monday people picked them up tonight.

You may dress as you like for the morning rehearsal (please do be 
presentable - we have alums coming). The above is for the performance.


10:00 - meet in the Ondrick Music Room, 4th Floor of Howe Center, for 
rehearsal. There will be some bagels/coffee/doughnut.

12:00 (or earlier - TBA on the day): break for barbeque lunch outdoors

1:25, meet at DeBaun Auditorium for riser wrangling/logistics (yes, 
1:25. Please do NOT BE LATE)

1:40, House opens

2:00 - curtain for Performing Arts Showcase. The President's Ensemble 
and a couple small instrumental ensembles will perform before the Choir 
comes to the stage to close the program.

We'll be sitting in the house rather than backstage for the first part 
of the Showcase. We don't know what attendance will be like, so please 
leave the central section of seats open for audience - take the sides, 
nearest the stage.

MEMORIZED MUSIC: Let the River Run. Do try to memorize the rest of it 
(MLK, Witness, Alma Mater) if you're not already memorized. In any 
event, do NOT bury your head in your music. Hold it up and keep your 
eyes on your conductor - ME - as much as you possibly can.

You were sounding GREAT tonight. Invite people!

I'm looking forward to this. :-D



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