[Choir] CALL TIMES, Sun May 4 Choir Concert

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Sun Apr 20 19:27:10 EDT 2014

Dear All,

Please take note of the following call and other times for the Spring 
Choir Concert on Sunday May 4:

12:00 NOON - ALL CALLED. Dresses and tuxes are not necessary for this 

1) The Choir will take care of tech/logistics and any final musical 
review first. Target release time is 1:15 ("target" means we'll try to 
make it, not that we WILL make it)

2) President's Ensemble & soloists doing individual songs (Rachel, Ian) 
will continue; target release time is 1:45.


3:00 - ALL CALLED TO STAGE; final warm-up/review

3:30 - House opens

4:00 - Curtain

The concert will most likely last just over an hour, but you would be 
wise to assume we are on to 5:30.

Please remember that Sunday May 4 is not only the day of our concert, 
it's the day of the Hoboken Spring Arts and Music Festival. Please ask 
your families to plan accordingly, particularly as regards parking.


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice

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