[Choir] Section Leaders - emails

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Wed Feb 26 14:55:20 EST 2014

Dear All,

In the (highly unlikely) event that you must miss a rehearsal, please be 
sure to email your section leaders so they know (and cc me):

Sopranos: Kathy Nevola; knevola at stevens.edu

Altos: Liz Lamb; elamb at stevens.edu

Tenors: Ian DiGuilio; idiguili at stevens.edu

Baritones/Basses: Brian Voyer; bvoyer at stevens.edu

Particularly if you are in only one rehearsal per week to begin with, 
please do all in your power to avoid missing rehearsal. Monday's 
rehearsal plan was significantly affected by absences.

Thank you.


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice

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