[Choir] Attendance

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Sun Mar 30 16:48:42 EDT 2014

Dear Choir,

If you have been regularly attending choir as per our agreement when you 
joined the ensemble, you have my thanks. This email is not for you.

If you have NOT been coming to choir as agreed, or if you've been 
frequently late for reasons other than a late-releasing class, this IS 
for you.

Please understand that when you join a musical ensemble, you are joining 
a team. The team cannot practice effectively without all hands on deck. 
The disappearance of personnel I and the rest of the group has every 
right to expect in rehearsal is not acceptable. Managing rehearsals 
given the unavoidable conflicts with evening classes is complex enough 
without irresponsible absences thrown into the mix.

Please honor your commitments. I have no issue whatsoever with any 
person deciding against joining the Choir. However, once you have 
joined, I do expect to see you to do what you said you would by joining 
- to show up, regularly and on time, at rehearsals. I also expect to 
hear from you if there is a specific problem. In that case you should 
also be contacting your section leader: for sopranos, Kathy Nevola; for 
altos, Elizabeth Lamb; for tenors, Ian DiGuilio, and for Bass/Baris, 
Brian Voyer.

Thank you.


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice

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