[Choir] FULL CALL LIST, Choir Concert

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Sat May 3 11:51:57 EDT 2014

Dear All!

Here are the full calls for tomorrow:


11:30 - DeVon, Kelsey, Stephanie (go over "Going Over Home" and 
"Carpuela" starting solos)

11:40 - FULL CHOIR. No choir outfits needed; wear comfortable shoes.

We will briefly review particularly tricky passages and will sing all 
the tough pieces through in full at least once; we'll start or sing 
through all the others. We'll also walk the concert logistically, 
including moves to mics etc.

We'll be doing most pieces in concert order.

THURSDAY-ONLY members in particular: please review your music in advance 
as well as you can (and if you find you just don't remember some things 
well enough, please do not sing those bits).

Everyone: I'm attaching the program for your reference, as well as this 
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXA8FkQPqAU (Lauliku)

RELEASE: I hope to release the Choir by 1:15 or earlier; our focus or 
lack thereof will make all the difference.

DIRECTLY AFTER CHOIR: Stephanie and Ian, "Sonntag." Rachel TBA.


3:00 FULL CHOIR ONSTAGE, FULLY DRESSED. Please avoid changing at DeBaun 
if possible - and no perfumes or other scents, please!


3:30 House opens


I guesstimate the concert at about 1.5 hours in length grand total.

We have BEAUTIFUL, moving, fun, and vibrant music on tap for tomorrow - 
I'm very much looking forward to it! Good work this semester, folks. :-)


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice
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