[Choir] FYI: Summer Scene Study Workshop: Announcement

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon May 4 09:31:26 EDT 2015

Dear Choir,

This is for any of you who are interested in acting but aren't on any of the mailing lists (i.e. SDS) that have already sent this out. If you're planning to be nearby for the first half of the summer and would like an artistic adventure, take a look at the info below.

No experience necessary.



Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stevens Institute of Technology
From: Bethany Reeves
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2015 5:33 PM
To: Carl Russell
Subject: DeBaun PAC Summer Scene Study Workshop: Announcement

Dear Stevens Theatre Folk,

Performance life at Stevens has a lot going for it. One thing we don't have, however, are opportunities to really study the craft of acting, as opposed to doing the best we can under time-pressed production schedules.

Ergo, this summer DeBaun PAC is offering a scene study workshop. The workshop will stress exploring & analyzing scenes for objectives, beats, & actions. Focus will be on process rather than results, but actors will be encouraged to invite friends to a public presentation at the end of that process.



Taught by: Bethany Reeves

Location: DeBaun Auditorium

Fee: None, but you may be asked to purchase script(s) of plays you are working from. Two recommended, but not required texts: "A Practical Handbook for the Actor," by Melissa Bruder et al, and "Actions - The Actors' Thesaurus" by Marina Caldarone & Maggie Lloyd-Williams.

May 12 & 14: auditions*; scene assignments announced 1-2 weeks later
June 1-July 9 (6 weeks): workshop period - specific dates TBA**

Public presentation: TBA due to some campus event uncertainty as of this writing; please hold Thurs. July 9, Fri. July 10 & Sat. July 11 (evenings)

Repertoire: TBA. Focus will be on two or three-person scenes that provide strong opportunities for basic analysis & relationship work. Playwrights under primary consideration are from the early modern period to now, including Ibsen, Chekhov, Stoppard, Shepard, Auburn, etc.

*regarding "auditions": we are using this term for lack of a better one. All interested actors will be included, assuming adequate schedule availability. The auditions do two things: they indicate genuine interest, and assist Bethany, Carl Russell & Shawna (Cathey, DeBaun's SM) with choosing and casting scenes. Actors may request sent sides to read, or may bring in a monologue of their choice.

- Afternoons/evenings/weekends (though probably not both weekend days!), depending on actor availability.
- Most scenes will meet with Bethany 1-3 times per week, depending on total number of scenes & actor availability.
- Some outside scene analysis will be expected (we'll go over what that means in an early session)
- Outside rehearsal between actors is encouraged (as possible, casting will take who-lives-where & who-works-when into consideration).
- Some sessions will involve the full group; others will focus on working specific scenes.
- All actors are welcome at all times, as observation is an important learning tool.

Please bring a list of conflicts to auditions.

IF INTERESTED, PLEASE REPLY ASAP TO BETHANY REEVES @ breeves at stevens.edu. Thank you.

Bethany Reeves

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