[Choir] DEBAUN this week; Saturday update; OUTFITS

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Sun Dec 4 22:55:23 EST 2016

Dear Choir,

Thank you so much for this evening.

"Northern Lights" was truly beautiful.

THIS WEEK we are in DEBAUN. Regular rehearsal times on Monday & Thursday - but in DEBAUN.

If you have your folder, please bring it.

OR, If you can pick it up tomorrow in the Music Room before 3:00, please do. The weather forecast tomorrow says rain, and that's not great for taking big piles of stuff from the Music Room down to DeBaun via cart, which is the only way we can do it if you don't bring your folder yourself. Much better for you all to take your own folder under your coat.

RE SATURDAY: Please continue to hold this Saturday 2-5 (5:30 for Pres. Ensemble) for tech. I will be able to fill in specifics after tomorrow night's and Tuesday night's (instrumentalists) rehearsals.

The pre-concert call is 7:00pm (fully dressed).

OUTFITS: all the dresses, and all but two pair of pants (DeVon & Jerry) are done and ready for pickup in the dressing room at DeBaun. PLEASE TAKE THEM HOME.

Unless you're a commuter, please don't plan to change AT DeBaun on Saturday - there's just not enough room.



Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stevens Institute of Technology
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