[Choir] Sunday 9/11: Concert calls & details

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Wed Sep 7 13:04:34 EDT 2016

Dear All!

Here are the need-to-knows about this Sunday's concert:


This coming Sunday 9/11 -

2:00 - full choir meet in the Music Room to warm up & review our music until 2:40 (apologies to those to whom I said 3pm - I'd forgotten that Labor Day would kill one of our regular rehearsals).

3:00 - rehearsal at Ss. Peter & Pauls. This time will primarily be about performance logistics and putting "River" together with the other singers. We'll need to aid proceedings by being absolutely quiet and giving our full respect & attention to Matthew Still, the concert organizer and "River" conductor.

Please note we'll be getting there later than the other singers. The rehearsal will already be in progress - we'll need to come in very quietly & courteously.

4:00 - concert begins.

Matthew told me it will last about an hour and a half, all told.


At 2:00 we meet in our regular rehearsal space in Howe Center.

The concert is at Ss. Peter & Paul Church, on the northwest corner of 4th & Hudson Streets. It faces the same little park block that the Edwin A. Stevens building faces (the building containing DeBaun Auditorium).


Please BRING YOUR OWN BINDER. We don't have a transit service. Please take very good care of it and of the music in it, for which you are responsible. Then bring it back to your next Choir rehearsal.

The music: "Every Night" and "Northern Lights" are just us; "River" is with everyone involved and is under Matthew's direction.


Some combination of black & white. It should look respectful to the occasion - we're doing a 9/11 memorial concert. If you don't have nice-looking black &/or white, grey is the next best. After that, dark blue. Please NO BLUE JEANS or shirts with logos etc. on them, and please do not wear sneakers unless you have NO other choice (btw - flip-flops or other casual sandals don't count as a choice, for concert wear).

Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stevens Institute of Technology
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