[Choir] Choir & SDS auditions, Off Center, "Rocky"...

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Wed Sep 14 23:31:58 EDT 2016

Dear Choir!

This is for those of you who are auditioning for the SDS fall show or planning to be involved backstage, for those in Off Center, those planning to do the "Rocky" shadowcast, etc.

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CHOIR IS A CONFLICT. You'll need to be sure to state conflicts on audition sheets, and to say "sorry, can't" to requests for your presence during Choir rehearsal times.

FYI: As a stage director, I can tell you that conflicts are not an issue when a) people are up front about them and b) the conflicts are during ordinary class hours anyway. That includes 6-9pm, at Stevens. Actors who do not give me accurate conflict information, however, DO create a problem.

SDS has a deal with DeBaun (the Choir is part of DeBaun PAC). They don't try to pull people out of Choir prior to their show tech weeks, but during those tech weeks, everyone necessary to running the show is released from Choir rehearsal without question.

Off-Center and the shadowcast projects are terrific, but please note that you shouldn't be deserting Choir rehearsal for them. It's up to you to make that clear to the organizers.

FYI, the difference between SDS and those other worthy activities (and the reason SDS gets a special deal) is that SDS is a public performance group. That is, their productions are attended by people other than fellow students. SDS, like the Choir and the other DeBaun musical groups, is on the school's marketing materials and is among the organizations who represent Stevens to the outside world.


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stevens Institute of Technology
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