[cs631apue] Welcome to CS631 APUE, Fall 2023!

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Fri Sep 8 19:01:15 EDT 2023

Hello, and welcome to CS631 Advanced Programming in
the UNIX Environment, Fall 2023!

This email is intended to give you a quick overview of
how this class will run this semester.  Please read it
carefully and in its entirety -- there are several
action items for you.

As you can tell, I've subscribed you to the class
mailing list (cs631apue at lists.stevens.edu); this will
be the primary means of communication for us.  It is a
discussion list, not just for announcements, so
please do ask questions or share interesting

You will also receive an invite to the course Slack
channel (https://cs631apue2023.slack.com/).  Please
customize your profile there, add your full name and
say hi to each other.  We'll use this channel to chat
informally in semi-real time.

This class follows a "flipped classroom" model,
whereby the lecture content is provided to you in the
form of youtube videos (posted to the class channel at
https://youtube.com/c/cs631apue) for consumption
_prior_ to our scheduled meeting time in class and we
will use our synchronous time for discussions,
clarifications, and follow-up questions.

Our first class will take place on 2023-09-11,
starting at 18:30 Eastern in Gateway South 024.

All class information, including the detailed
syllabus, is available from the course website at:

Please bookmark that URL and regularly visit / reload
it.  The YouTube channel and existing video lectures
are linked to from there already.

Please also watch the first three video segments
https://youtu.be/w3spRzZ8bSA), so that you are
prepared with follow-up questions for our first

Each week, there will be a short checkpoint to be
filled out online to help me gauge your understanding
of the materials for the week and what we may need to
cover in class.  The link is found in the syllabus;
for this week, that's:

As per the course website and introductory videos, we
will be doing all our work on a NetBSD system.  Please
make sure that you are set up for this prior to our
first class:

If you have any questions at all about any of the
above, please make sure to send a mail to the class
mailing list: cs631apue at lists.stevens.edu

Please also feel free to discuss and exchange
information and help one another in the class Slack.

I'm looking forward to meet you all in class and to a
productive semester - see you all next week!


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