[Habitat_for_Humanity] Spring Break Trip Applications!

Matthew C Falco mfalco at stevens.edu
Sun Nov 18 15:23:14 EST 2018

Hello everyone,

Thanks to all of you who came out to the interest meeting last week. For those of you who weren't able to attend, here is a quick recap of spring break and how it will work:

  *   We are going to Oak Ridge, Tennessee this year
  *   Habitat spring break (aka Habitat Collegiate Challenge) is a national alternative spring break program where Habitat clubs at different universities travel to a different state to build all week at a specific site
  *   We work from 8:30/9 AM till 3/3:30 PM every day (essentially, a regular build each day) and we usually have a half day
  *   In the evening, we go out, explore, and have fun!
  *   Lots of mountains and national parks are nearby
  *   All meals are provided by the affiliate
  *   Housing (and mattresses!) are also provided by the affiliate; we will be staying at a nearby church in the area
  *   Approximate cost is $400-450, however, fundraising can help lower this cost
  *   If you have federal work study, all service on the site counts as work to be reimbursed! You must first pay up front the total cost of the trip, then you will be reimbursed by FWS down the line
  *   As usual with any Habitat build, no experience is required

The link to apply is HERE<https://goo.gl/forms/ZYwFbS75b5cdjpVn2>. The deadline to apply is December 7 at midnight. Unlike regular builds, this application is NOT first come, first serve; rather, we are looking for a diverse group of students who are committed to helping the community and are willing to try a new experience. Personally, I've done Habitat spring break for the past 2 years and I've loved it each time. This is a fantastic opportunity to get a new experience under your belt and stand out from your peers. There's lots to do and see in the area, and on top of that, you'll make plenty of new friends!

Application decisions will be released on Monday, December 10. Please note that if you are accepted, the first payment will be due the week after on Monday, December 17.

Here is the presentation from last week: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rewdER4LrUbGw0qZAHX-gBNqRtQutGX9LBJ95OfUcJs/edit?usp=sharing

Any questions? Reach out to me or the eboard (habitat at stevens.edu)


Matthew Falco

Stevens Institute of Technology '20 | B.E. Chemical Engineering

Resident Assistant | Upper Campus

President | Habitat for Humanity

Philanthropy Chair | Chi Phi Fraternity, Mu Chapter
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