[JazzBand] Congrats and Thanks!

David Zimmerman dzimmerm at stevens.edu
Mon May 5 13:02:59 EDT 2008

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for a wonderful semester of music! Your
performances at the Accepted Students Reception and the concert in Bissinger
were both spectacular! Congratulations on a job well-done at both events!

And special thanks to the members of Bandwidth, for putting in the extra
time, talent and effort, and giving a great performance as well at both

GOOD LUCK on finals, and best of luck to all of the seniors. Hope everyone
has a wonderful summer, and we'll see you in the Fall!

Thanks again,

PS - GRADUATING SENIORS - if you want to stay in touch with the Jazz Band
and all the student performing arts, e-mail me a personal address (snail
mail and/or e-mail) that we can continue reaching out to you. I e-mail alums
once per month on upcoming events, and we mail brochures and newsletters out
at least once per semester.

PSS - TONIGHT - Maxwell's is featuring some swingin' blues & jazz with
Swingadelic from 9-11PM and, as always, no cover. Check them out on

David Zimmerman, Executive Director
The Center for the Performing Arts
DeBaun Auditorium and Ondrick Music Room
Castle Point on Hudson, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Ph: 201-216-5111  Fax: 201-216-5514
dzimmerman at debaun.org  
www.debaun.org or www.stevens.edu/performingarts 

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