Gerald Ficeto gficeto at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 16 12:42:32 EDT 2020

Greetings Everyone,

I Hope this note finds you all well. I miss you all more than you can imagine!!!! You are ALL so creative and I miss seeing you and working with such great musicianship.
I know these are the strangest of times and do not want to add to the already stressful workload you all have.
I am checking in with you for a few reasons. I feel we might have a little different relationship then some of your other instructors.
We share the same love and passion for music and the arts.

*First are you all well???

*Please let me know if there is anything Stevens can offer you to assist with the long distance learning.

*Please let me know any questions, concerns or comments you may have and I will direct them right up to Student Life.

*You have the ability to respond to concertband at list.stevens.edu , jazzband at lists.stevens.edu , or if you feel more comfortable and would like it to remain personal
please send it to gficeto at stevens.edu , or please call or text my cell phone.  201-889-8013. I will forward your message directly.

*I will also be emailing you periodically with links and items to "keep you in touch with the arts".

*Taking requests 🙂  Please advise any works or songs (in the case of jazz band) that we were working on this semester or any work you know  and would like to have the opportunity to perform our future concerts.

*Last, If you would like to email or chat feel free to contact me at any time. gficeto at stevens.edu  201-889-8013

Stay safe, stay in, stay in touch, wishing good health for you and your families,

Warmest regards,

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