Ashley Reyes areyes1 at stevens.edu
Wed Mar 6 18:04:18 EST 2019

*Monday, March 4th*

Hello everyone! Not much going on this week
but make sure to come to our GBM tonight!

**Fourth GBM**
*Monday, March 11th @ 9:00 PM*
*BC 210*
Join us for a quick
GBM today(and some Unity after)!

Think you're interested in helping out for our Unity skit?
Fill out the form below to help us this year
in the theme of "Our Beginnings"
Our first meeting will be this week!
**KSA Elections**
If you're interested in running for  the 2019-2020 Eboard,
you can nominate yourself here!
Feel free to nominate other people  too!
If you have any questions about the roles,
feel free to contact one of us!
*Interested in shadowing Executive Board?*
Thinking about running for Executive board?
Want to learn more?
If you're interested in any position on E-Board,
reach out to me or any other E-Board member
to come to our meetings and learn more!

*Have a great week!*
<ksa at stevens.edu>
*Our mailing address is:*
KSA at stevens.edu

*Want to stop receiving these emails? *
Email *aalfaro1 at stevens.edu <aalfaro1 at stevens.edu>* to be removed

Korean Student Association
Stevens Institute of Technology
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