[SDS] Meeting

Natalie Arndt narndt at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 3 13:13:23 EDT 2007

Hello everybody!

I hope this email finds you well, and that your classes have been 
progressing relatively painlessly thus far. 

I'm writing to announce our next general body meeting, which will be 
held Wednesday, October 10th at 9;00 pm in E 222. 

If you cannot attend, please email sds at stevens.edu with your conflict 
no later than 24 hours before the meeting. Those whose presence is 
required at Much Ado rehearsal are automatically excused. However, if 
you are part of the prodution and are not called that night, we ask 
that you attend the meeting. 

See you next week!

Natalie Arndt
Stevens Dramatic Society

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