[SDS] Welcome back!

Natalie Arndt narndt at stevens.edu
Sun Jan 13 23:10:11 EST 2008

Hello everyone!

I hope everybody had a great winter break! If you were at our last 
general body meeting, you might have heard that our spring musical is 
going to be The Mystery of Edwin Drood. The musical is based on the 
novel Charles Dickens was writing at the time he died. Since the work 
was never completed, the musical leaves it up to the audience to choose 
the ending of the show! 

Our first general body meeting of the semester will be held this 
Wednesday, January 16th at 9:00 pm in E 230. We will be discussing 
auditions, technical positions, and any outstanding old business. 
Please email sds at stevens.edu with a notice at least 24 hours in advance 
if you are unable to attend.

See you this Wednesday!

Natalie Arndt
Stevens Dramatic Society

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