Kathy Imperial kimperia at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 8 12:26:18 EDT 2010

Hi Everyone!

Hope things are going well and people are enjoying the weather. Assassins is
running smoothly but there are still odds and ends to finish up so please
feel free to stop by.

Also, our projector operator may have a conflict so is there anyone that
would be interested in operating? It's fairly simple, we would just need you
to attend tech rehearsals and performances which are between April 12th and
April 17th. Please let me know if you're interested. We could really use the

Thanks everyone and see you soon! Don't forget to table!

Katherina Imperial
Civil Engineering 2010
Stevens Institute of Technology
SDS Vice President '09-'10
Stevens TECHnique Executive Director '09-'10
Theta Alpha Phi Secretary '09-'10
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