[SDS] Show Time!

Daniel Ward dward at stevens.edu
Tue Nov 9 23:34:53 EST 2010

Hey All,

T minus two days until curtain! Everyone has put in a lot of effort these
past few weeks and the show is coming together very nicely.  I'm sure
everyone who has seen the dress rehearsals this week will agree that the
actors are doing a fantastic job and that they look absolutely dashing in
their costumes and the set and props are managing to survive their
shenanigans quite nicely.  So, as we make the final push and put the
finishing touches on, make sure you invite all your friends and classmates
(and professors!) to make it out and see all the hard work everyone has put
into this hilarious show.

Its time to celebrate 100 years of SDS pride.

Let's get farcical
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