[SDS] Agenda for GBM 12/1/10

Daniel Ward dward at stevens.edu
Tue Nov 23 11:42:22 EST 2010

Hey All,

Anyone who has not yet done so the last day to turn in *receipts *for
reimbursement the last day to do so will be *Friday December 3rd.*  (Those
of you who have already turned them in and are still waiting, you should get
your money soon!)

Also as promised, here is our Agenda for the next GBM:

*ALSO* voting-membership requires you to not have missed two consecutive
meetings without being excused by the E-Board, so please be sure you e-mail
the sds at stevens.edu if you will not be able to attend the meeting and your
reason. Due to the enormous amount of performing art conflicts the first few
meetings we simply excused the people involved with them.  *This will not
always be the case*, we can't keep track of everyone and we're not going to
try, so just to be sure, e-mail us.   If  you have any questions about your
status as voting member feel free to e-mail us.

*Agenda for SDS General Body Meeting 12/1/10                    *

Time:9:00 pm

Place: E222

*Updates from Student Life*

-We will update the General body on our meeting with Student life regarding
our our finances and moving forward


*MAL Elections*


*Producer Interest*

-Proposal to amend Article II. Section 1. Subsection e) of the By-Laws to
read as follows:

e) to act as Producer  for all productions of the society

            1) In the event an eligible candidate, meeting the same
requirements as a presidential nominee as defined earlier in the by-laws,
expresses interest in the role of Producer, the President and all other
candidates shall be considered for the position by the remainder of the
executive board.

*Dirty Scoundrels*

-General show information (auditions, pro-board, etc.) start getting the
word out to campus now!

*Committee to Revise the By-Laws*

In order to better serve the society and the interest of it's members we
will be forming a committee to review the current By-Laws for our society.
 The main purpose of discussion at this General Body meeting will not to be
to focus on the specifics of the by-laws themselves, but to discuss with the
body at large what the society means to them, what their expectations are
from the society, and how they, as members fit into the overall scheme.  The
goal being to define the society and our goals, so that the committee can
present any relevant revisions that are in line with the views of our
membership, now and for the future.  The committee will be formed from
members who express an interest, and the committee chair will be myself, Dan
Ward. If you would like to be considered [this will require availability
over winter break] you can e-mail either myself (dward at stevens.edu) or the
alias (sds at stevens.edu).

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break everyone!


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