[SDS] Fuerza Bruta tickets

Erin McDonnell emcdonne at stevens.edu
Tue Apr 26 12:09:52 EDT 2011

Hey all,

We have about 7-8 tickets to see Fuerza Bruta in NYC on May 20th if anyone
is interested.  A bunch of the seniors bought it with a package for senior
week but can't go because the Provost Dinner is the same night.

I was able to see it this past summer and it's a really awesome show that's
unlike any other show you've seen (You stand in the middle and the show goes
on around and above you).  Here's a link to their website if you wanna learn
more about it: http://fuerzabrutanyc.com/wordpress/

We're selling the tickets for $15 a piece (usually they're like $40).

Let me know if you're interested!
Erin McDonnell
SDS President
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