[SDS] SDS Fall Startup Information

Dennis Chapman dchapman at stevens.edu
Wed Aug 24 20:00:45 EDT 2011

Greetings, I hope you all had a good summer, and are ready for the start of
a new year. On behalf of myself and the executive board welcome to the start
of another year.  As President I am very excited to hit the ground running
and we have some exciting things for the start of the year.  Please read all
of the information in this e-mail as it is all important.  I have a few bits
of information regarding *Talk Radio* and the Stevens One Act Festival.

   - This fall SDS in collaboration with DeBaun, Theta Alpha Phi, and Off
   Center will be partaking in the *Stevens One Act Festival*. The theme for
   the festival is a series of melodramas. The One Act we've selected is *The
   Balloonist's Daughter*. I will be the director for the show. DeBaun will
   be producing *Curses, the Villain is Foiled! or Hearts and Flowers *directed
   by Robert Gonzales and Theta Alpha Phi will be doing Stevens' own *Good
   Ship Pride* directed by Frank Riccobono. Auditions for these will be take
   place *August 30th and 31st at 8PM in DeBaun Auditorium*.  This is a
   great opportunity to get some audition practice before *Talk Radio*.  If
   you have any questions regarding any of these One Acts you can e-mail
   sds at stevens.edu.

   - For our fall production of *Talk Radio* *auditions *will be *September
   6th and 7th at 9PM in E230* with *callbacks on September 8th*.  If you
   are interested in auditioning, sides will be provided the day of, so be
   ready to read on the spot.  We will be providing an* audition workshop* for
   those who would like help on* Monday September 5th* with time and
   location TBA.

   - We are excited to announced that our director* *for *Talk Radio *is Eric

   - In addition to auditioning for *Talk Radio* we are *now accepting
   production board applications*.  It is my pleasure to announce that Zak
   Moy will be acting as Production Manager for *Talk Radio*.  If you are
   interested in applying for a position on the production board, please fill
   out the attached application and e-mail it to sds at stevens.edu by *Friday,
   September 2nd*.

   - Finally, our first General Body Meeting will take place on* Thursday
   September 1st at 9PM in E222. *

If you have any questions regarding anything mentioned above, or want
additional information regarding *Talk Radio* or the One Acts feel free to
e-mail sds at stevens.edu with your inquiries.

Myself and the e-board would like to wish you all a successful and happy
beginning of the year, and enjoy the start of your classes.  See you soon.

DJ Chapman

Dennis J. Chapman
Mechanical Engineer Class of 2012
Stevens Dramatic Society President
Alpha Phi Omega Brother
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