Elizabeth Lamb elamb at stevens.edu
Sun Apr 8 02:33:39 EDT 2012

Hello Everyone,

We have made it, the show is five days away and we really need to rev-up
our efforts to make sure we get 200 people to attend every show.  Time we
start signing up for table sitting, because if you don't, how will anyone
on campus know all of their best friends are involved in the production of
a show?  Sad Face.  Here is the link to table sit, *
*. Contact your friends, sign-up together, its just an hour or two where
you get to advertise for the show you have been pouring all your energy
into it.

Also hello to all interested in ushering, if you are still interested shoot
me a text, please.  Right now I have Zane, Becky, and Brandon.  Then Friday
and Saturday only, Katie.

If you have interest in the *Acting or Teching Workshops* please contact
Colin Gliech or Will Renninger.

Remember everybody try to get sleep this week and if you ever have any
spare time remember someone in the theater could probably use your help.

Elizabeth H. Lamb
Mechanical Engineer CO-OP '15
Stevens Institute of Technology
Vice President, Stevens Dramatic Society
Publicity Manager, SITTV
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