[SDS] Ad Day Tomorrow!!

Emily Hromada ehromada at stevens.edu
Tue Mar 27 13:21:06 EDT 2012

Hello All!
Tomorrow is AD DAY!  We will meet back stage at 2PM to group together, and
then groups will go to their designated areas to sell ads. We will regroup
at 5PM, where we will tally the final amounts and the winner will be
announced! I will then plan a time with the Winners to have their pizza.

Remember to update your team's sheet so that everyone knows where you have
been! Also so we can figure out how many comp tickets are going to
individual places!

ALSO! If you are interested in being part of the Spelling Competition on
Campus publicity stunt, we will meet after the winner has been found on
Wednesday! PLEASE try to be there so I know how many people are willing to
participate. If you can't make it, email me.

See you all tomorrow!
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