[SDS] Mulan Shadowcast Job Opportunities/Test Screening

Kevin Alvarez kalvare1 at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 17 19:14:33 EDT 2014

Hello SDS members,

I'm here reaching out regarding the Mulan Shadowcast. Showtime is in about
14 days and we're looking for some help with the production. There are
three different ways you can help out!

1) Costumers: Our heads of costuming (Natalie Barillaro and Lauren Lim) are
looking for 2-4 people to help with costumes during the show. This mostly
involves helping the actors and ensemble get in and out of costume during
the show since the show is very tough in regards to costume changes. If you
can sew as well, you can help with the creation of costumes, but this is
not a requirement. Please email Natalie and Lauren (nbarilla at stevens.eduand
llim at stevens.edu) if you're interested!

2) Makeup Artists: If you have any experience working with makeup, we would
really appreciate your help! If you have an interest, please email our
makeup head Michelle Little (mlittle at stevens.edu).

3) Test Audience: We'd like to have a test audience for the last few
rehearsals so the actors can get comfortable with an audience and make sure
the blocking works with the audience. These test shows will be Monday and
Tuesday, April 28th and 29th, at 9PM. If you are free at that time, we'd
love for you to sit in and help out just by watching the show! Please email
myself (kalvare1 at stevens.edu) if you'd like to attend.

We appreciate your time and any help you can provide!


Kevin Alvarez
Stevens Institute of Technology
Computer Science Major
Alpha Phi Omega Theta Alpha Chapter - Brother, New Member Educator (2013)
Off Center Actor, Mr. Smee (Vice President, 2013)
Stevens Dramatic Society - Shadowcast Director (2014)

kalvare1 at stevens.edu
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