[SDS] Mulan Shadow Cast

DeVon C. Lineman dlineman at stevens.edu
Wed Apr 30 18:45:52 EDT 2014


Tonight and tomorrow are the performances for the shadow cast production of
Mulan!  They are in B 118 at 9:15 pm.  It's free to attend and there has
been a lot of hard work put into the production.  This is our last event of
the semester, so let's go out strong!

Fun fact:  There are at least two members of the last SGA senate who believe
that SDS is the most successful RSO on campus.


DeVon C. Lineman
M.S. Mathematics '14
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity
Stevens Dramatic Society - Vice President
The Gear and Triangle Society - President
Quackappella - Co-Founder
Student Government Association - Senior Senator

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