[SDS] Murder on the Orient Express Cast List

Mathieu Nagle mnagle at stevens.edu
Sat Sep 7 13:40:25 EDT 2019

Hello everyone!

I am proud to announce the cast list for SDS's Fall play, Murder on the Orient Express!


Hercule Poirot -  Phuc Bui

Monsieur Bouc -  Alexander Markoulis

Mary Debenham - Kiera Dillon

Hector MacQueen - Derek Petti

Michel the Conductor/Head Waiter - Charlie Beall

Princess Dragomiroff - Juila Cahn

Greta Ohlsson - Emily Tyler

Countess Andenyi - Leticia Gonzalez

Helen Hubbard - Carissa Greene

Colonel Arbuthnot/Samuel Ratchett - Joseph Wolverton Jr.

Congratulations to the cast!

Thank you to everyone who came out to auditions! Be sure to keep an eye out for all of our society events coming up, like Bowling and Showtunes this Friday September 13th!

Thank you again,
Mathieu Nagle

Mathieu Nagle
Stevens Institute of Technology
Software Engineering, ‘22
Stevens Dramatic Society, President

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