[SDS] The Addams Family Cast List

Mathieu Nagle mnagle at stevens.edu
Sat Feb 1 15:49:41 EST 2020

Hello everyone!

I am proud to announce the cast list for SDS's Spring musical, The Addams Family!


Gomez Addams -  Kyle Castillo

Morticia Addams -  Julia Cahn

Uncle Fester - Derek van Rouendal

Grandma - Kiera Dillon

Wednesday Addams - Kiera Kennedy

Pugsley Addams - Garrett Horwath

Lurch - Charlie Beall

Mal Beineke - Derek Petti

Alice Beineke - Abby Hulse

Lucas Beineke - Nicolas Re

The Addams Ancestors - Alexander Markoulis, Julia Wierzbicki, Joshua Ronai, Carissa Greene, Isabella Cruz, Nicholas Hite, Corey Batchelder and Emily Renjilian

Congratulations to the cast!

Thank you to everyone who came out to auditions! Be sure to keep an eye out for all of our society events coming up, like Bowling and Showtunes, this Friday February 7th!

Additionally, auditions for SDS's second stage show, God of Carnage, are coming up this week. If you would like more information about this production, please email Dan Cesare (dcesare at stevens.edu<mailto:dcesare at stevens.edu>), and if you would like to audition, please sign up for a slot on this doodle<https://doodle.com/poll/x72f65u7ib3c6434>. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Thank you again,
Mathieu Nagle

Mathieu Nagle
Stevens Institute of Technology
Software Engineering, '22
Stevens Dramatic Society, President

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