[SDS] Acting Workshop

Kera McGovern kmcgover at stevens.edu
Tue Aug 17 12:59:16 EDT 2021

Hello Everyone!

Hope everyone is enjoying the last few days of the summer. As the semester approaches, it is time to get into game mode. Our wonderful Choir & Shakespeare Director, Bethany Reeves, is holding a 6-week acting workshop and would love for you all to sign up. It will be held the first 6 Tuesdays of the semester. You can find more information about it below. You can email her at breeves at stevens.edu<mailto:%20breeves at stevens.edu> to sign up or if you have any questions!

As always, please feel free to reach out to sds at stevens.edu<mailto:sds at stevens.edu> if you have any questions or concerns.

- Kera
Kera McGovern
Stevens Institute of Technology
B.S. Computer Science '23
Stevens Dramatic Society | Vice President


Dear Actors!

After a 2020-21 of rewarding pandemic-fueled theatre projects (huzzah for silver linings), we at DeBaun felt loath to let a semester go by without offering something in the realm of theatre. For clarity: please note that SDS is not DeBaun per se and IS doing a fall play, and yup, DeBaun WILL hold Shakespeare auditions in November for Jan/Feb production.

What we've come up with, given the return of our regularly-scheduled programming (for me, MUSIC!), is an acting workshop.

  *   Dates: First six Tuesdays of the semester, August 31 through October 5
  *   Times: 7:30-9:50 / Have a class? Come late. Have a meeting? Leave early. Quietly. Telling me in advance.
  *   Where: DeBaun Auditorium
  *   Commitment: none other than what you say you'll do. If you say you'll be at the next class, be at the next class. Etc.
  *   Performance: none. These sessions are about acting technique.
  *   Experience required? No.

What We'll Do: Exercises that build the most important bases of acting - listening, defusing self-consciousness, pursuing objectives, dealing with obstacles, and investing in imaginary circumstances & relationships. We won't be capital-A "ACTING!!!" Rather, we'll be digging into aspects of the craft as deeply as we can in our limited time frame.

The exercises will involve improvisation, but please don't confuse this workshop with a comedy improv class (by all means, do Off Center for that!). This is about the nuts and bolts of acting work, and as such, will be largely based in Stanislavsky-derived techniques. This is not "performative" work. It is as barre work is to dance, or as practicing scales is to playing an instrument.

Please respond to me ASAP at breeves at stevens.edu if you are interested in this opportunity (and let me know then if you must come late/leave early the 1st session, or can't come until the 2nd session, etc). I do need a general idea of how many folks to prepare for, for August 31.


Dr. Bethany Reeves; she/her
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stage Director/Acting Teacher, DeBaun Theatre Projects
Stevens Institute of Technology

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