[SDS] GBM 2 Minutes and Slides!

Kera McGovern kmcgover at stevens.edu
Sat Oct 16 21:07:42 EDT 2021

Hi All!

Thank you for coming out to our second GBM tonight. Here is everything you need to know from it.

Here are the slides<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uBrCkRRStN--u2T-DzBOYOVci8nRhLhd5ZqW5-vUSu0/edit?usp=sharing>.
Here are the minutes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gi1z3L6UcPiPQouzvLo4L0K4RqPk1qpLTy2wHRdh1tQ/edit?usp=sharing>.
Here is the recording from the meeting<https://stevens.zoom.us/rec/share/I8jwM9KmXlU0NY0tl05rGHtmbwgLcZpR577RXStf-18w170VWBhEshK2KLEHOIzc.y-sghWfsQ5S1dxI6>.

The form for Moulin Rouge (on Ducklink<https://ducklink.stevens.edu/submitter/form/start/509793>) will open TOMORROW (10/17) at 2 pm.

Lastly, here is the form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsni_wS07TnDCwHUJEbWHZ-UPX88Z4mIPBnHxohQdSywJL-A/viewform?usp=sf_link> for the six shows to review and for you to leave all your thoughts on!

As always, let us (sds at stevens.edu<mailto:sds at stevens.edu>) know if you have any questions.
Kera McGovern
Stevens Institute of Technology
B.S. Computer Science '23
Stevens Dramatic Society | Vice President

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