[SGA Announcement] Email Aliases for SGA and RSO Announcements

Mike Manzella mmanzell at stevens.edu
Sun Apr 15 16:00:40 EDT 2007

Hey everyone,


The purpose of this email is to explain the two email aliases that are used
to communicate to all student organizations.


The alias I'm using now is  <mailto:sgaannounce at stevens.edu>
sgaannounce at stevens.edu (SGA Announcement).  This is for use by the SGA
Cabinet and only the SGA Cabinet for official SGA announcements, such as
budgets are due, RSO Summit coming up, etc.  You cannot unsubscribe from
this list, as we need to be able to reach everyone when necessary.  This
list replaces the old  <mailto:sitrso1 at stevens.edu> sitrso1 at stevens.edu.  Do
not send to this list.


The alias  <mailto:rsoannounce at stevens.edu> rsoannounce at stevens.edu (RSO
Announcement) has also been created.  The SGA Publicity Committee uses this
list to advertise for your upcoming events or any announcements.  Any event
that you are holding should be sent to the Publicity Committee at
publicity at stevens.edu.  You can use this list if you have any other
information you would like to get out to all of the RSO's.  If you would
like to remove yourself from this list, you can go to
<http://lists.stevens.edu> http://lists.stevens.edu and unsubscribe from
RSOAnnounce.  You can also have others subscribe to this list if they would
like, such as other members of your organization, also by visiting
<http://lists.stevens.edu> http://lists.stevens.edu.  This list replaces the
old  <mailto:sgarso at stevens.edu> sgarso at stevens.edu.


These two lists have both been updated to include all of the new e-boards
for every RSO.  If you believe you have received this message wrongfully,
please let me know.




Mike Manzella

SGA President

Stevens Institute of Technology

S-0992 Castle Point on Hudson

Hoboken, NJ 07030

cell: 732-687-9062

 <mailto:mmanzell at stevens.edu> mmanzell at stevens.edu


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