[SGA Announcement] more cool news on budgets

Michael Bocchinfuso mbocchin at stevens.edu
Tue Mar 20 00:16:46 EDT 2007

the newly-formed SGA Publicity Committee, since they will be responsible for
putting up posters for events, will now also be in charge of making copies.
to this end, your RSOs do not need to budget for posters, unless you'd like
additional ones in color. You can budget for these additional posters
separately, but they will still be handed off to the Publicity Committee to
put up.


also, I have posted the Service Charges for Events file on the SGA Budgets
site, put up the signup list, and placed the dropoff box outside the SGA
Office. remember that we are going to be beta-testing a new version of the
Marathon Meeting this semester which will hopefully save time.


if you have any questions, holler.


Your Friendly Neighborhood SGA Treasurer

Mike Bocchinfuso

mbocchin at stevens.edu

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