[SGDC] Game Jam W Voting + GBM 6

Nicco Carleton ncarleto at stevens.edu
Mon Oct 16 17:44:39 EDT 2023

What day is it again...?  Well, never mind that, because what I do know is that the voting form for Game Jam W is open! Even if you didn't make a submission yourself, make sure to look through all these great projects and pick your favorites! We'll announce the winners on our regular meet this Tuesday night (and that's when we'll give out prizes too, so if you participated, be extra sure to show up!)
Also, we'll be talking about microtransactions this week! My suggestion was just to write "DON'T ADD MICROTRANSACTIONS" in bold text and have that be the presentation, but the others insisted the subject "has more nuance" or whatever. I don't know, just come on down to Babbio 122 (the place we normally have meets at) this Tuesday (10/17) at 9 PM and learn something, probably?

View all the submissions for Gam Jam W here: https://sgdc.dev/gjw<http://www.sgdc.dev/gjw>
Vote for your favorite watch-themed entries here: https://forms.gle/GjjYCFoXmZ9N4Uj28
Submissions close Tuesday night, so make these reviews fast!

Nicco Carleton - SGDC Secretary
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