Nicco Carleton ncarleto at stevens.edu
Tue Mar 19 11:27:08 EDT 2024

We've got an extra-special meeting this week, folks - the most important collab since Off The Hook feat. dedf1sh! We're collaborating with SAVE - the Sustainability, Activism, Volunteering, and Engineering club, and they're known for promoting environmental sustainability. Together, we'll be discussing the waste produced by video games and the environmental effects of digital video games, and what developers can do to help with these issues! These collabs don't happen every day, so come on down to Babbio 122 TONIGHT (3/19) at 9 PM and SAVE THE WORLD!

Nicco Carleton - SGDC Secretary
P.S. Elections are next week, 3/26, so if you're falling short of the participation requirement, you should be 130% committed to making this one!
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