[SHRC] Meeting Recap + Nomination Positions

mlagaren mlagaren at stevens.edu
Tue Nov 15 11:10:02 EST 2016


Hi everyone, 

Last night the battlebot team met to think about capabilities that their
robot should have. People involved in the battlebot should also study
the tournament rules for the beginning of next week and come prepared to
brainstorm new ideas which fit within the rules of the show. The
quadcopter group also met to work out kinks in the flight controller
software and gps. 

One very important topic that we have coming up are elections for our
Secretary and future Volunteer Organizer E-Board positions. Nominations
are open for both of these positions, and will be voted on the second
Monday after Thanksgiving. You can nominate yourself or someone else.
The descriptions are as follows: 




Handle e-mail correspondence with SHRC members and the Stevens

Update any SHRC social media as necessary. 

Create SHRC posters advertising club activities and events. 

Maintain the SHRC group messaging system(s). 

Record, store, and distribute the results of all meetings of the
Executive Board. 


Volunteer Organizer 


Maintain contact with any outside groups looking for volunteer efforts
related to Robotics or STEM. 

Organize SHRC members on trips to outside volunteer events. 

Notify the general body of any volunteering opportunities available. 

Nominations will remain open until 11/28. Voting will occur on 12/5. To
nominate yourself or someone else, e-mail stevensrobotics at stevens.edu
with the name and position of the nominee. 

If you have any questions, respond to this e-mail. We will answer them
as soon as we can. 


Matt Lagarenne 
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