[SWE] SWE National Membership and the National Conference

Jennifer Wehof jwehof at stevens.edu
Wed Jun 20 10:33:52 EDT 2012

Hello SWE Members!

June is almost over, and that means 2 important things in terms of National
1.  If you are a current national member, RENEW your membership before the
month is over
2.  If you are NOT a current national member, BECOME ONE after July 1st!
(This is not mandatory to be in Stevens SWE, but encouraged)
SWE operates on a July-June fiscal year.

Additionally, we are starting a general interest list if you would like to
go to NATIONALS in November.  It is November 8-10, 2012 in Houston, Texas.
This is an excused absence from your classes, but check your schedules and
email me the following information if you are interested (not a final
commitment, but don't sign up if you don't think you will actually go):

-Your full name
-Your graduation year
-Thursday and Friday class times or any other conflicts
-Are you already a national member?

National membership is REQUIRED to attend the National Conference. Please
see the attached PowerPoint presentation for more information on the
national conference and how to sign up to be a national member.  Please let
me or Maggie know if you have any questions!!

Enjoy the rest of your summer! Aspire. Advance. Achieve.

Jennifer Wehof

Stevens Institute of Technology
B.E. Environmental Engineering 2013
M.E. Ocean Engineering 2013
Stevens Track and Field
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