[SWE] Regionals

Margaret A. Weigel mweigel at stevens.edu
Wed Mar 28 21:52:39 EDT 2012

Hi everyone!


So as I said at the meeting, here is our regional e-mail.  Sorry for the
long e-mail but please read through the entire thing.  There is important
information at the end including a response I need from everyone.


Location: Columbia University

Transportation: Path Station to Subway line1

- Leaving Babbio Center @ 7:45am

- Leaving Conference after Speed Networking event (the vent is scheduled to
end at 5:15pm)


Conference Information:

Business Formal

Bring Resumes! 

[Stop at the career development center and ask questions if you have any
about career fairs and networking]

Research companies that will be there too (these are local companies!)

Website (with schedule!)


The following are people who signed up for the conference:

Justyna Zielinska

Emily Hesselbacher

Lauren Hammerle

Bridgette Barden

Kathleen Schuckers

Lauren Tagliaferro

Sarah McDonald

Jillian Barrett

Roseana Souza

Alexandra Vargas

Tatyana Fedorenka

Allisson Kahn

Lindsay Deckard

Tara Callahan

Kerri Killen

Monica Ng

Meg Traub

Grace Ridge

Chelsea Cresci

Lauren Mayer

Holly Good

Ann Heine

Courtney Beneat

Margaret Weigel



If you are on the previous list, this means you are registered for the
conference.  I ask that you please e-mail your phone number and if you will
be walking over at 7:45am with the whole group of us.  I understand people's
schedules are all different this weekend.  I would like us to travel
together but if you cannot do so either going there or coming back, please
e-mail me with that information.  I know it is a local conference but this
is still a SWE function and there is a sense of responsibility that the
e-board will be taking for everyone and I just want to make sure everything
goes smoothly.


My phone number is also in my signature, please put that in your phones too.


I hope I covered everything there.  If there are any questions please don't
hesitate to ask.    




Margaret A. Weigel

Stevens Institute of Technology

Mechanical Engineering Class 2013

Society of Women Engineers, President

Women's Club Volleyball, Vice President

mweigel at stevens.edu



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