[SWE] FW: Opportunity to attend awards ceremony in DC

Margaret A. Weigel mweigel at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 17 13:06:09 EDT 2012

Hi SWE members again!


Please take a look at the following e-mail Prof. Brunell asked to be
forwarded to SWE members.  If you are interested in attending the award
ceremony for Debra Lepore in DC please follow Prof. Brunell's instructions.
Good luck!  It looks like a fantastic ceremony with great highlights.





From: Leslie Brunell [mailto:lbrunell at stevens.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 9:29 PM
To: Margaret A. Weigel; swe at stevens.edu
Cc: Zoe Elliott; Erin Hopson
Subject: Opportunity to attend awards ceremony in DC


Debra Lepore - An astro physicist and a faculty member of the stevens
faculty will receive an award in DC on Nov 1.

Funding has been provided to send some female Stevens students so please
take a look at the info below and if you are interested send me your CV and
a paragraph stating why you wish to attend.

I will then nominate you.

Prof. Brunell 

Hello members of the Stevens Presidential Commission on the Future of Women:


I am receiving an award from Women in Aerospace (WIA) on November 1 in
Washington DC. I'm delighted to be honored, and would love to share this
opportunity with our female students!  I talked to Beth McGrath, and the
president's office is very supportive - she suggested I reach out to all of
you to nominate a student to attend.  

 The event would showcase for them the achievements of senior women with
engineering and technical backgrounds (yes, in aerospace, but many of our
students are interested in aerospace too!) and the point is to see high
level women.


Assuming you all like this idea and we are able to identify 3-4 students, I
am working to get a few free seats for the students at the dinner, and then
we would just have to cover their travel.  I will check with the provost's
office to see what they may be able to do. I have reserved two hotel rooms
(double beds) which would accommodate 4 students.


The full program is below, but I wanted to highlight a few things from 3 of
the winners, who are good friends of mine:

*	Lt Gen Ellen Pawlikowski is one of the most senior women in the Air
Force (3-star general).  She is from NJ and went to NJIT, which at the time,
shared its ROTC program (which she was in) with Stevens.  I have been trying
to get her to come to do a Deans' Seminar with us.
*	Gwynne Shotwell, president of SpaceX, which just did the first
commercial launch vehicle mission to the International Space Station, got
her bachelor's and master's in ME from Northwestern.  She is now one of the
most prominent businesswomen in commercial space programs.
*	Simonetta di Pippo, from Italy, was the first female Director at the
European Space Agency, when she became head of human spaceflight (a role
that even at NASA has always been a male).
*	And more.

Also, the scholarship winner (which is a result of the WIA Foundation that I
started) is from Univ of Colorado Boulder.  This is a scholarship that
Stevens female students are eligible for.  We had one applicant last year.
It is for female students currently in junior year, studying technical
field, and interested in pursuing a career in aerospace.  


Let me know what you think, and send any thoughts re: students and funding.
It would be great if we could pull this off!








Here is the process we will be used for selection.

1.	nominate students by Oct 19 (next Friday), with this process:

1.	Ask student to send CV with confirmation that she is available, to
depart on Thurs Nov 1 and return on Nov 2 to campus (send to Debra)
2.	Nominator put a paragraph together of support (send to Debra)

2.	Small group of Adriana Compagnoni, Dawn Digrius, Debra to compile
the list with recommendations

1.	Send to the commission for any other input
2.	Ask consensus agreement by commission

3.	Adriana and Debra to work to get funding
4.	Decision made by Oct 23 (Tuesday) (number of students selected based
on dinner seats available and travel funding - working to get up to 4 spots)
5.	Notify students by Oct 24

Lisa, if you can attend, since you are already in DC, that would be great.
I'm on the hunt this week to get funding and seats.


Thank you, all!


DebraLeslie Brunell, PhD, P.E.

Associate Teaching Professor

Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering

Schaefer School of Engineering and Science


T 201-216-5337

F 201-216-8739




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