[SWE] SWE Announcements

Aleksandra Petelski apetelsk at stevens.edu
Wed Apr 9 20:50:47 EDT 2014

Hello SWE members,

I'd like to update you on two things:

*First*: elections were held last week, and here are the results:

Vice-President: Nicole Santos

Treasurer: Sally Goode

Social Committee Co-chairs: Miranda Ripken and Cassie Nicholas

Professional Development Co-chairs: Kate Moyer and Elizabeth Gonzalez

Fundraising Chair: Christina Guida

K-12 Outreach: Tessie Urtubia
President: Aleksandra Petelski. I'm very excited to lead this chapter and
make it more active on campus!

Congratulations to all those who have secured a position on the e-board!

*Second*: We will hold a *GBM* next *Wednesday April 16* (room EAS 222). We
will discuss the *SWE National conference*, our elections for secretary,
and how to become a national member. If you would like to join the e-board
by running for secretary, please email your nomination to
apetelsk at stevens.edu.

I want to emphasize that the *SWE National Conference* is a huge networking
opportunity that is turning into an international event. It will take
place October 23-25, 2014 in Los Angeles, CA. It has one of the largest, if
not the largest, career fairs in the US. This will be an expensive trip,
but the number and quality of contacts you can get from networking at the
conference is worth much more. The e-board is getting some financial
assistance from SGA and is seeking sponsorships. Come to the GBM to find
out more!

Sorry for the long email, and I hope to you all soon!




*Aleksandra A. Petelski*

Stevens Institute of Technology '17
Biomedical Engineering Co-op Student
c. (862) 262 3731apetelsk at stevens.edu
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