[AIChE] (no subject)

Kristen Eisenberg kristen.eisenberg at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 10 14:56:41 EDT 2011

[AIChE] General Body Meeting Tuesday Night!

General  Body Meeting Tuesday at 9pm in McLean 004!
Those interested in being on the 2012 Conference Planning Committee should
definitely attend!  We'll be discussing a trip with NJIT among other things!
After the meeting there will be a showing of Erin Brockovich.  We will
discuss the aversive side effects of Hexavalent Chromium and the healthy
advantages of Chronium +3 over the new Hoboken craze: Mamoun's Falafel.
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Kristen Eisenberg
Billige Flüge
Marketing GmbH
Emanuelstr. 3,
10317 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (33)
utebachmeier at gmail.com
- Billige Flüge vergleichen
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